Sunday 16 December 2007

Top Five... of 2005

2005 wasn't a great year for reading. Not for me, that is. Somehow I only managed to compile a top five of the year, since nothing else I'd read qualified... shame. It was the first full year of university, and I suppose that meant I read mainly chapters of things and so forth. Did get through Ulysses, but that didn't come close to making the top 5, believe you me... anyway, without further ado:

5. Lady Into Fox - David Garnett
Which I talked about here...

4. Jacob's Room - Virginia Woolf

Ginny strikes again.

3. The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot

Still the only Eliot I've finished, and surprised I only placed this at number three, since it's one of my favourite novels. Very strange title, if you think about it.

2. The Long Afternoon - Giles Waterfield

Angela sent this out on the dovegreybooks postal book group, and I thank her for it. Look out for it in my 50 Books...

1. Blind Man's Buff - Richmal Crompton
Must eulogise about Ms. Crompton at greater length, one of these days...


  1. Lady into Fox. I hated it.
    But I will investigate the others.

  2. Can't go wrong with The Mill on the Floss, Sherry!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry about my last comment Simon, it's early here and my grammer was not what it should have been. I'm enjoying your lists and photos very much.


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