I still have three birthday books to mention - my bounty is seemingly unending! - but I've just finished a library book, and wanted to write about that before returning it. This is quite unusual, and it seems I currently wait until all memory of a book has faded before attempting to blog about it... those who can spot a flaw in this plan, you're not alone. This one is going straight into my 50 Books You Must Read But May Not Have Heard About.
I am usually wary of that common book group phrase: "Well, that's the point of book groups, isn't it - to make us read things we wouldn't normally read." This is almost invariably said when people have hated a book... and, to be honest, there's usually a reason I don't read the books that I 'wouldn't normally read'. BUT I was forced to use this very expression at book group on Wednesday, concerning Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth.
I don't know why I'd heard of Buck - possibly because she won the Nobel Prize, and this 1931 novel was a huge bestseller - but there was nothing about this novel which appealed, aside from publication date. Not realising that Buck was brought up in China, I thought this would be akin to a travel guide; the mentions of poverty, peasants, heartbreak, and deception in the blurb made this sound like a tiresome specimen of misery lit; bestselling books, let's be honest, tend not to equate with great books. But it all just goes to show that all the signs can point in one direction, and yet the novel turn out to be completely unexpected. In the case of The Good Earth, it turned out to be unexpectedly brilliant.
The novels tells the story of a Chinese farmer, Wang Lung. The land is everything to him; it provides or withholds; it is a sign of wealth and status; it is his livelihood. This is the strongest theme of the novel, and one that survives all the human interaction. In bare bones, The Good Earth documents the descent into poverty, and raise into riches, of Wang Lung and his expanding family. They travel south to avoid starvation, begging to survive - always with the intention to return to the land they own. When they do, and when they become rich, there are other intrusions and temptations which mar their good fortune. Across 350 or so pages, the narrative eye does not wander from this family's experience - Buck decides, wisely in my opinion, to show the state of China in the 1920s and '30s through the world of a few individuals, rather than great political swathes.
Wang Lung lives with his father, and early in the novel he has decided to get himself a wife. This is no Austenesque tale of courtship: it has been decided before the narrative begins that Wang Lung will be married to a slave from the house of the area's great family - meekly, uncertainly he enters these courts to collect O-lan, who is described thus by the Great and Ancient Lady of the house:
"This woman came into our house when she was a child of ten and here she has lived until now, when she is twenty years old. I bought her in a year of famine when her parents came south because they had nothing to eat. They were from the north in Shantung and there they returned, and I know nothing further of them. You see she has the strong body and the square cheeks of her kind. She will work well for you in the field and drawing water and all else that you wish. She is not beautiful but that you do not need. Only men of leisure have the need for beautiful women to divert them. Neither is she clever. But she does well what she is told to do and she has a good temper. So far as I know she is a virgin. She has not beauty enough to tempt my sons and grandsons even if she had not been in the kitchen."The blurb of my borrowed copy tries valiantly to turn The Good Earth into a feminist text, but it is not that. It is true that O-lan is ultimately the means of raising the family's fortunes; it is true that she sacrifices much for her family, and is one of few in her family to remain steadfastly loyal, wise, and unselfish. But Buck doesn't paint O-lan as a paragon, or hold Wang Lung up to disapprobation. It is the brilliance of The Good Earth, and Buck as a writer, that there is almost no sense of the author at all. Sometimes an author is evident in every word of a novel, through style or voice - and this can be either wonderful or dreadful. But I think it takes an even greater talent for the author to fade behind the characters and events, so they do not intrude at all. And this certainly isn't because the characters' minds take centre stage - Buck resists giving any sort of psychological insight, and instead allows events and dynamics between family members to have the most impact. Even the dialogue rarely wanders from the surface of characters' thoughts and feelings - and while Wang Lung, sometime into marriage, 'had learned now from that impassive square countenance to detect small changes at first invisible to him', O-lan remains a closed book to the reader for much of the novel. A closed book psychologically, that is - it would yet be impossible not to be moved by O-lan's life, including one moment where I gasped aloud.

Thanks for sharing your reading experience. I picked up a used copy that's now waiting on my shelf. I might have to bump it up on my TBR list and read it over winter break.
ReplyDeleteI read Pearl S. Buck when I was about 15 (decades ago!) I think my English Lit teacher recommended or rather insisted on the whole class reading this! I liked it then as at that age it was like a travel memoir. Now looking back it was also a family saga.
ReplyDeleteGreat review. I quite liked this book when I read it a few years ago. I tend to shy away from books set outside Europe or the US, but Buck's story really drew me in.
ReplyDeleteI read this book earlier this year for a book group too (my selection). Loved it like you did!
ReplyDeleteI guess a lot of us have read this book. Maybe it was years ago and the storyline is very magnetic, very interesting.
ReplyDeleteExcellent review, Simon! The Good Earth is a favorite of mine and I bought Sons (second book of the trilogy) at Strand books in NYC last summer. Will need to reread TGE before I start it though. Just began listening to Buck's The Pavilion of Women today... it is fascinating!
ReplyDeleteI actually have never read this book, but due to your review it's going on my to-read list.
ReplyDeletePearl Buck had a really interesting life -- she ended up writing more than 70 books and adopted and fostered a number of children, many of them from Asia. Last year I was able to visit her house in Pennsylvania really piqued my interest. There's also a new biography about her that was published this year called Pearl Buck in China. I haven't read it yet but it looks very good.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great recommendation Simon. I like the sounds of this - the authenticity. I am like Thomas and usually go for European books but I definitely should widen my horizons.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard anything but high praise for this book, but it's always nice to hear the "what" you loved about it. I may have to look out for that biography that Karenlibrarian mentioned. Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI read this years ago to and loved it. But I think I loved her other novel 'Imperial Woman' more. It's about the Dowager Empress Tsu Hsi and I don't think I've come across a more frightening woman in history!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your birthday books! As to "I currently wait until all memory of a book has faded before attempting to blog about it" - that's a problem I have too!
ReplyDeleteDear Simon, just a little comment to say how much I love your blog. Has spent the last two hours just surfing around reading old posts. Wonderful.
ReplyDeleteAll the best wishes for your weekend,
Chelle - I hope you do get a chance to read it, it's so different from how I expected it to be.
ReplyDeleteMystica - It seems everyone else knew this book before I did! I think it takes the best bits of travel memoir and family saga, and ties them up together.
Thomas - thanks :) I don't think I'd have touched this book if Buck hadn't lived in China herself, and I do tend to almost invariably read books set in Britain, but will now have to explore further afield...
mee - hurrah!
Kaye - indeed - have you read this one?
JoAnn - thanks! Do let us know what the sequels are like. I think I'm going to read them at some point, but maybe not straight away.
ACM - that's what I like to hear! I didn't realise it was as popular as it is, so I'm pleased that it's new to at least one other person.
Karen - I think it's that new biog that had made me hear about Buck.
Willa - that's such a lovely comment, thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed reading the archives - I sort of forget that there are now nearly a thousnad posts on here; I should wander down memory lane myself!
Susan - now that I've looked around the blogs a bit, I see a few people have reviewed The Good Earth - a lot liked it, but quite a few couldn't cope with the mistreatment of women in the novel - which I think is sort of missing the point, since Buck doesn't try and set them out as paragons of morality.
Sakura - oo, thanks for the recommendation! Will have to hunt that one out too.
Catherine - I have four or five books looking mournfully at me from my Must Review Soon shelf... memory struggling with them...
I've picked this up in the bookshop more than once and not bought it. Having read your review I think I will, now.
ReplyDeleteJust had to post to say 'Thank You' for mentioning this book in your '50'. I had previously read 'Pearl of China' by Anchee Min and decided I really must read 'The Good Earth' but somehow never got round to it. After reading your review I immediately ordered it from the Library and am so glad I did. I can't really put into words how much I enjoyed this book - it was so involving, I couldn't put it down. I also recommended it to my husband to read, and he was the same - the characters felt so real!! I'm off to order 'Sons' now.