Saturday, 4 December 2010

Novella Weekend: Post 2

One down, in the form of Love on the Supertax by Marghanita Laski - which was a gift (or was it a loan?!) from Hayley aka Desperate Reader.

Reviews to follow...


  1. I just finished a re-read of Vanauken's A Severe Mercy this morning - it's almost short enough to count (238 pgs). Sorry about the cold! We'll be praying for a quick recovery.

  2. I read this one earlier in the year and found it an interesting satire on class but so much of its own time that it was hard for me to relate to and to get many of the things being referred to. It was definitely not my favourite Laski.

  3. Looking forward to the review of this one!

  4. Oh I love Laski from what I have read of her works so far so this sounds like it could be a little gem. I would have loved to have joined in with this but every and any book I open at the moment is falling on deaf ears, or dead eyes or some such, so am having chocolate, tea and Jam & Jerusalem on the DVD!

  5. hi simon i VE just start my third Tove Jansson's summer book ,al the best stu

  6. Well Simon - when I lent it to you it was a loan, but I think it's become a gift;) I suspect it's more your thing than mine and I should like to think of it having a loving and happy home

  7. i'm in the middle of 'love in a cold climate'...does that count?


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