Friday 4 March 2011

Referrals and Deferrals

I was going to write a long, musing post about classics and non-classics, and how reading obscure novels does and does not help one become 'well-read' - but I'm sleepy and haven't watched Emmerdale yet, so I'm putting that post on hold... and will instead quickly mention a book I now want. Sister Wendy Beckett - the nun and art historian - was on My Life in Books this week, and was absolutely wonderful. Such a lovely, engaging, inspirational woman - and she left me very much wanting The Duty of Delight: the Diaries of Dorothy Day - even though I still have very little idea who Dorothy Day was. All I know is that she was a co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement (about which I know almost nothing) - but Sister Wendy was persuasive enough to convince me I'd find this book hugley insightful and, again, inspirational.

Drawback being, of course, that it's over £30. I'll have to wait until the paperback comes out in October, for under £10 - rather more affordable. But I thought I'd mention it first, in case any of you have read it - and maybe to inspire you to find it in your library. Or perhaps you have £30 you're keen to spend on books?

Which reminds me - on Monday I finally finished unpacking (we moved last July) and found £10 of book tokens! Actually book-token-cards... which might have expired. Hmm... Usually book tokens last approximately ten seconds in my hands, but Project 24 meant they lingered a bit. I'll have to pop into Waterstone's and see if they're still valid. And then - guilt-free book buying! (Another reminder - I *still* haven't revealed my haul from a trip to London a few weeks ago. So many things to write about...)


  1. The perfect reward for tackling a chore, lucky you!

  2. Like the title so much that I will put this one on my TBR - since both you and Sister Wendy recommend it, it must be good :-)

  3. Dorothy Day was a fascinating woman who made a positive mark on the world...

  4. The Dorothy Day was the book that attracted me as well , along with Venice by Jan Morris which was one of Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen's picks.

  5. I don't know any more than you do, but I LOVE the cover.

  6. I've never heard of Dorothy Day, but I do like Sister Wendy - if you track it down and read it, we will expect a full report. :) Hope the book tokens still work!

  7. Dorothy Day was a fascinating woman. You might enjoy a book called The Life You Save May Be Your Own by Paul Elie. It's a biography/literary assesment of the life and works of Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Walker Percy, and Flannery O'Connor. Seems like it might be right up your street.

  8. Darlene - I know! If only every chore came with book vouchers at the end of it...

    Willa - if only I knew anything about it! Sister W was very persuasive about its merits.

    Paul - I'm even more intrigued!

    Joanne - (of course it's Joanne! Sorry I forgot your name before) I loved Jan Morris' Oxford, but I don't think I'd want to read Venice until (one day!) I get to go.

    Julia - isn't it lovely? Sadly not the one on the paperback, but I don't think I can spend £30 for the sake of a beautiful cover... sadly. (Who knew I had some sensible limits when it came to books?)

    Susan - I will of course report back! Maybe the tokens will last til October, when the paperback comes out? (Who am I kidding...)

    Heather - oo, thanks for the recommendation, that does sound up my street...


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