Saturday 12 March 2011

Novella Weekend: Book Three

And now I've also finished As We Are Now by May Sarton, as recommended by Thomas over at My Porch.

How's your weekend going?


  1. Look at you go!

    My weekend so far...walked Deacon at 6 am, fed the neighbour's cats, went to work, came home and walked Deacon again. I really should be washing the floors but as you can see I'm procrastinating. Thank you for the distraction...enjoy the rest of your reading weekend, Simon!

  2. I, too, have read three. Henrietta Sees it Through by J. Dennys, Mothers of Famous Men by Archer Wallace, and Night by Elie Wiesel. These three have all fit the novella definition (being under 200 pgs), but I don't have an abundance of "small" books, so I may move on to novels from here. LOVED Henrietta, but found Night a little too depressing for the spirit of the day. Off to find something lighter...Happy Reading!

  3. Darlene - lucky Deacon! I actually read my first three at work, but most of the undergraduates have gone home, so it was nearly dead in the library - hence lots of reading time!

    Susan - well done! Lovely to know someone else is joining in across the Pond. And, if my understanding of time differences is right, you are way ahead of me... Henrietta is wonderful, isn't it? I haven't heard of the other two... if you feel like writing a little bit about all the novellas you read, I'd love to post something about them by you? Let me know what you think...

  4. I have family in town visiting so I had 7 (!) Simon posts to catch up on. I am interested to hear what you thought of this book.


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