Tuesday 5 February 2008

The Votes Are In

Thank you for your kind wishes earlier - I am feeling much better for a day of bed-rest, and was thankfully able to read (isn't that usually the worst thing about being ill? The once that you have time to read, you are unable to...). Back to work tomorrow, then my first proper driving lesson, about which I'm pretty terrified!

Going to report on the response to two polls I've mentioned here before...

1) Spread The Word - run by World Book Day, this had a longlist of 100 books to spread the word about. Here at Stuck-in-a-Book we were championing Angela Young's Speaking of Love, which I am delighted to say has made the shortlist of ten! See the others here; see my review of Angela's novel here; go and vote for her novel here! Dizzying, wasn't that? Yes, the voting starts all over again, so go along and get voting. You would do best, of course, to read Speaking of Love first - as far as I'm aware, the paperback (with my name on the back!) isn't out yet, but the hardback can still be bought - nay, should be bought!

2) Normblog Favourite English-Language Novelists
Does what it says on the tin, as I believe I mentioned before. The results are in, there is a top 40, and a few almost-made-its. Have a look at them here - and keep your eyes open for more Normblog/Stuck-in-a-Book news later in the week... that's all I'm saying. I'm pleased to see our dear Jane top his list - and unsurprised to see only one other of my favourites make the top 40.


  1. I'm intrigued about the Normblog Stuck-in-a-Book news ... you certainly know how to spin a yarn!

    And thank you for your continuing championing of Speaking of Love. Just so's you know, publication of the paperback with your review line on the back has been brought forward because of the Spread the Word shortlisting. It'll be in bookshops and availble on amazon by the week beginning 11 February, possibly before.

  2. how literary do i feel? i have read three of them already; death of a murderer, before i die and boy a (excellent, you might not like it!) im definitely going to buy 'speaking of love' with your name on the back but it will be post easter as i only have 1 hr and 4mins of book buying left!


I've now moved to www.stuckinabook.com, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at www.stuckinabook.com.