Sunday 7 October 2007

BAFAB - the results are in!

Patch the Wonder Dog wasn't feeling quite as athletic as last time, but offered to help this time's BAFAB in a more adminastratorial position. I pointed out that adminastratorial wasn't a word, but he assured me that it was - or at least very soon will be. Please try and use it in conversation within the next week.

So, rather than rolling around in sellotaped bits of old paperchains, Patch wielded pen and paper...

And then selected the one winner...

Which is...

Congratulations Karen! We had two Karens entering the draw, but this is the one from Just select one of the thirteen-so-far books in my 50 Books You Must Read..., and I'll pop it in the post to you. My reviews of them are all links in the list, so should help make a decision... Then email me at and we'll sort it out from there...

Thanks for entering BAFAB, everyone - more next time!


  1. That really put a smile on my face - thank you! Patch certainly seems to be taking his duties very seriously in the photos.

  2. Fantastic hand-writing Patch! Well done. OVW


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