Saturday 13 October 2012

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

Another Saturday at work for me, but nothing planned for the evening - X Factor or Iris Murdoch?  Hmm.  It should be an easy choice, but I have to admit that I'm finding The Sea, The Sea rather ponderous.  It's a book group choice, and I do think it's very good, but it's not light reading.  And it is long.  You know how I feel about long books.  Over 500 pages of tiny font.  Huh.  I might be shouting at Louis Walsh instead...

Well, now that I've got that off my chest, I'll throw a book, a blog post, and a link your way.

1.) The book - came from Tara Books, an Indian company which produces really beautiful books.  I wrote  a bit about them here, two years ago, and now they've sent me another gem.  To celebrate Dickens' centenary (which has rather got lost in the whole Olympics fever, but let's remember it now!) they've produced a gorgeous copy of Dickens' Pictures from Italy, illustrated by Livia Signorini.  I think it would make a brilliant Christmas gift (oh, so early, sorry!) for any fan of Dickens in your life.  If that person happens to be you, then... so be it! ;)

2.) The link - was sent to me by my friend Rachel, and is about the language of P.G.Wodehouse.  Fun!

3.) The blog post - is by Karen/Kaggsy - the first person to review Guard Your Daughters after the mad rush for copies which happened when I waxed enthusiastic about it!  Read Kaggsy's review here, and revisit mine here, if you so wish.  She lucked out with a lovely (if oddly irrelevant to the book) cover for her copy - go have a gander.  (If you have reviewed Guard Your Daughters, on a blog or LibraryThing or whatever, then let me know!  I'm hoping to gather together reviews...)


  1. I love the Wodehouse link! I am also very, very jealous that the author had a relative who shared her love of Wodehouse; my teenage attempts at Wodehouse-speak did not go over nearly so well and simply resulted in my illiterate friends and relations worrying over my mental health.

  2. What a fab post about Wodehouse! I love the fact that so many of his words have come into common useage (rather like the Bernard Levin 'quoting Shakespeare' piece:

    But I'm not sure if it's relevant that we call the squirrels we feed in our garden Squiffy....

    (and thanks very kindly for the plug!)

    1. Lovely name for squirrels! They are simply squizzles in the Thomas family.

  3. Thank you for sharing the P.G. Wodehouse link! Love it!


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