Sunday 7 October 2012

Song for a Sunday

Well, I couldn't pick anything else this week, could I?  Adele is back with a Bond theme!  It's in classic Bond theme territory, but still definitely got the feel of an Adele track.  Over to Adele and 'Skyfall':


  1. A rare conjuction of enthusiasm; I like this a lot too! My flute teacher is also an enthusiast and she explained to me at some length why it is so "James Bond". I'll quote one bit

    "Worked out what harmonic progression makes it James Bondy... It's the Tonic - Major subdominant parallel - Major supertonic parallel - Subdominant 7th. Class!!"

    1. If I'd have been sat on a chair, I'd have fallen off it!
      All that talk of subdominants etc. took me back to my music theory lessons... not something at which I was ever very adept...

  2. Funny that, Dark Puss - it was EXACTLY what I was saying to OV over our post prandial coffee just now ;-)

  3. I heard about this earlier in the week but hadn't had a chance to listen yet. I love it. As you said, "so Bond" and "so Adele" at the same time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Laura! It got to no.4 in our charts, despite it seeming as though it would get to no.1 on two days of sales.


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