Sunday 14 October 2012

Song for a Sunday

Firstly - a few people have been asking about subscribing to Stuck-in-a-Book by email.  It's not something I do for any blog, and so I don't really know how it works, but I've decided to give it a go!  There's a box over in the right-hand column, so... give it a go if you fancy it!  I hope it doesn't stop anybody popping over and commenting, though, as reading everyone's comments is my favourite part of blogging.

Onto the Sunday Song - The Dixie Chicks and 'Not Ready To Make Nice'.  It's a great song, but it also has a rather amusing (but not entirely PC) MadTV spoof, which I've included too.  (You do need to know the background to the song, I think... which you can learn here.)


  1. The Dixie chicks are amazing singers and I was very sorry to hear about the boycot, for some people freedom of speech is only for themselves and people with other opinions should shut up. 'Not ready to make nice' is a beautiful song and I laughed at the parody, thanks, Simon,


    1. Isn't the parody fun? I love the "we will" background singing!

  2. I've always quite liked this song, even if, understandably, it gets a bit on the shouty side. That's what people do when they are "mad as hell".

  3. Simon, not a comment to this previous link but to the fact you made your posts notified by e-mail. Great for me! I always had an excuse not to have time or it being not the right moment to read you: it is perfect now. No more excuse and so easy to click and have your link! I am very glad you did it as I do enjoy your blog so much. Many thanks!

  4. Email worked like a charm, thank you Simon.

    I never expected to see music friends here -- good choice of songs and I loved the parody which I'd not seen. I respected them very much for standing together and behind Natalie, and not "folding" under the pressure of sales.

    1. Are they actual real life friends of yours, Sarah?? How lovely!


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