Tuesday 5 July 2011

Triple Choice Tuesday

I meant to mention this earlier, but better late than never - lovely Kim has very kindly invited me to take part in Triple Choice Tuesday - click here for more info, and my choices. Not a huge surprise to anyone familiar with my favourite books, but good fun nonetheless - while you're there, check out previous Triple Choice Tuesdays - they include Stuck-in-a-Book favourites such as Danielle, Sakura, Annabel, Jackie, Lizzy, Kirsty, Claire, Simon S, Teresa, Stu, Kim herself, and loads of others too.


  1. Great choices! i think I bought every single one of those based on your recommendations . . . but I still haven't read any of them yet (hangs head in shame). I really will get to them all someday, I promise!

  2. Thank you Simon.

    I am in need of a book. I am finishing up "When I am playing with my cat how do I know she is not playing with me" Saul Frampton- and I am loving it

  3. Karen - haha, I am persuasive, aren't I?!

    Helen - great title! Off to investigate...

    Thomas - I thought you'd done it, but you're not under the list of Triple Tuesday Links! ... are you?!


I've now moved to www.stuckinabook.com, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at www.stuckinabook.com.