Friday 26 March 2010

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

I'm not feeling very weekendy, since I'm actually writing this on Tuesday (sshhh, don't tell anyone) ready to be posted on Friday. By the time you read it, if all goes to plan, I'll be in Paris - if all doesn't go to plan, I'll probably have accidentally got to Madrid or Moscow or something.

So, you'll have to forgive me, because I haven't read much of this week's internet activity yet, since (for me) it hasn't yet happened... I'm sure, despite that, that I can find a wonderful blog post, link, and book to tell you about...

1.) the blog post - is Kate aka makedoandread's lovely post about how she first 'met' Virginia Woolf - and includes a great link to possible my favourite mural ever. You'll love it, promise.

2.) the link - in fact, I have two. Thanks offmotorway for posting this great link on my post about favourite book titles - it's about how not to choose a title for your novel. I don't agree with everything the journalist says, but it makes for
fun reading. The other link is courtesy of abebooks - Top 10 Books By Librarians. As a part-time librarian myself, I couldn't help loving the idea.

3.) the book - is one I've had for a while, and has been available for a while, but I've been meaning to mention it. The Maintenance of Headway by Magnus Mills - looks really fun, don't know why I haven't read it yet, a nice short book about being a bus driver. His other books have been described as hilarious, surreal, even 'a demented, deadpan comic wonder' - and PG Wodehouse is mentioned on the cover of this one.

Why oh why haven't I read it yet? An interesting review can be found here... but I think I'm going to have to find out for myself.


  1. I'll review it for you!

    "Yeah, it was all right and quite entertaining but I've read similar things done better."

    (If he hadn't been associated with the Booker and lauded so much, I'd have been much more complimentary)

  2. So lucky for you to be in Paris. I recently read "Memoirs of Montparnasse" by John Glassco and am involved with "From a Paris Garret" by Richard La Gallienne now, so I'm really craving some Paris with a dash of 1920's thrown in!

  3. Laughed out loud at some of the "do not use" book titles! Will have to work hard on a title for my own forthcoming semi-autobiographical masterpiece ...

  4. Laughed out loud at some of the "do not use" book titles. I'll have to work hard on a suitable one for my own forthcoming semi-autobiographical masterpiece ...


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