Wednesday 7 November 2007

Birthday Reading

Thank you all so much for your kind birthday wishes! It's been a fun day, with lots of cake, and not a lot of Proper Food. Oh well, plenty of time for that on the other 365 days of the year. Since November 7th is quite a momentous day in my year, thought I'd repeat what I experimented with here, and see what I was reading On This Day throughout the past few years.

In 2007... at the moment I am reading a book for reviewing, so shall let you know as soon as I can what it is, and what I thought...

In 2006... Rereading one of my favourite novels, Mrs Dalloway by, of course, Virginia Woolf. Partly a birthday treat (!), partly because I was writing my thesis on Woolf.

In 2005... A Book Group read, though a postal group rather than a 'terrestrial' one (should tell you about that sometime...) - The Long Afternoon by Giles Waterfield, which is very, very good. Shall probably be appearing on the 50 Books... before long. You're warned!

In 2004... The Critic as Artist by Oscar Wilde. Check me out. Was actually researching my first-term essay on Wilde and the Morality of Repetition....!

In 2003... Twas another Book Group read, earthbound this time; Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris, and thus far the only Joanne Harris novel I've read, though she has been lurking around my reading horizons ever since. Maybe time for another?

In 2002... The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, which are witty and well written, as well as being thought-provoking and incisive. All of which makes it sound like I wasn't imminently to embark on a Harry Potter reading spree...

In 2001... Having devoured the brilliant series beginning with 'The L-Shaped Room', I was reading One More River by Lynne Reid Banks. My main recollection is that this has a donkey named Eeyore...


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Cake was consumed so it sounds like it was a success! I have that Waterfield book--looking forward to your post in it. If you want to try a totally different Harris book--Gentlemen and Players was great! By the way, I have the mystery books now in hand. If all goes as planned--I will mail them off tomorrow after work! :)

  2. can we have a mention of the high quality books you received for your birthday?


  3. Brilliant blog....

    Random comments:

    You've seen the original ms of Orlando at Knole...?

    Great Divorce, Till we have Faces, other lesser known Lewis sci-fi good read if rather dated...

    I once met twins who couldn't get past the second move on the (table) game Mastermind...


  4. Hi Simon....

    I was given Screwtape Letters by a friend from bible study. It is definitely one I want to read soon. I enjoyed Mere Christianity when I read it last year. The trouble is there are so many books and so little time. Lucky you getting a bonus day for being a I see you have 366 days in your calender year:)


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