Wednesday 8 October 2014

Margaret Kennedy Reading Week

Are you joining in Margaret Kennedy Reading Week? All the info you need is here on Fleur Fisher Reads, and it's all very exciting. I'd thought I would read Red Sky at Morning, because I started it months ago, but instead I read Kennedy's final novel - The Forgotten Smile, published in 1961.

It has just been reissued by Vintage Books, along with a whole bunch of other Kennedy titles (some of them POD) and I read it for Shiny New Books - so I'm going to point you over there. (And I actually did finish it this week - on Sunday afternoon.) I'll just say that she does such interesting things with chronology, and it works - and her characters are brilliantly realised. Read on...

So... are you joining in Margaret Kennedy Reading Week?


  1. Why not? I have two choices from my library: The Constant Nymph or The Ladies of Lyndon. Which should I choose?

    1. I've not actually read either of them, but the former is definitely her most famous, so that could be interesting...


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