Friday 7 January 2011

Wikio for January

The good people of Wikio have sent me January's list - everyone loves a list, so here you go! I am very intrigued by the blog name above mine... and, as always, nice to know so many of the other people on it (and realise how delightfully daft this all is.) - January Literature Ranking

1Charlie's Diary
2Crooked Timber
3Book Chick City
5The Book Smugglers
6Stuck In A Book
7Reading Matters
8Savidge Reads
9An Awfully Big Blog Adventure
10dovegreyreader scribbles
11My Favourite Books
15A Don's Life - Times Online WBLG
16Pepys' Diary
18Just William's Luck

Ranking made by


  1. How about that #8 - Just William's Luck? I 'just' know you've checked that one out. :-)

  2. Well, kudos to you for staying in there. I had to go and check out the book smugglers after you pointed them out...

  3. Congratulations. I am so glad that a couple of you post the links because then I can blog hop so easily

  4. I like many of the weblogs on the list, yours included of course, but as a "strange boy", which a woman friend called me yesterday, I am not one who loves lists at all these days (I did when I was younger I think). Am I alone in this?

  5. Dark Puss - you are certainly NOT alone! Lists leave me cold. My mathematical husband and son adore them - but then said son loves putting anything in some kind of order (apart from his room!). Lists bore me to bits (although I confess a weakness for making 'to do' lists)
    Having said that, it's pleasing to see stuck-in-a-book high up the lit blog list - even if I don't really believe in such lists. I'm sure you'll 'enjoy' such illogical(un)reasoning:)

  6. Congrats for being in that list Simon, you are a bit of a book celeb by now :-)

  7. still can't work out what is literary about the blog that appears at the top of the list every time. Although he gets lots of comments he doesn't seem to refer to any other lit blogs.

  8. Dear OV he does link to a number of what I would classify as literature-related "blogs". Regarding the ranking position, the Wikio FAQ tells us this much about their ranking algorithm:

    "The position of a blog in the Wikio ranking depends on the number and weight of the incoming links from other blogs. These links are dynamic, which means that they are backlinks or links found within articles.

    Only links found in the RSS feed are included. Blogrolls are not taken into account, and the weight of any given link increases according to how recently it was published. We thus hope to provide a classification that is more representative of the current influence levels of the blogs therein.

    Moreover, the weight of a link depends on the linking blog’s position in the Wikio ranking. With our algorithm, the weight of a link from a blog that is more highly ranked is greater than that of a link from a blog that is less well ranked."

    Hope this clarifies? DP

  9. Nancy - Haha, yes indeed! Although I did know his blog already - a great title. There's just been a new series of Just William on TV, and it was done really well.

    Susan - yes, not quite what I expected!

    Mystica - even more temptation for blogs to visit, just what we need! ;)

    Peter - according to my Mum, you're not alone, but I do love lists - they make me want to read pieces on topics I wouldn't normally care about, and I love making them, etc. etc. About the only stereotypically male thing about me.

    Mum - thank you my lovely illogical mother!

    Willa - haha, sure, I get paparazzi everywhere ;) (I think I spelt that incorrectly...)

    Dad - no, I'm with you on that one...

    Peter - I hadn't spotted the bit about the weightings of links - I thought they just counted up all the links. That's clever...


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at