Friday 1 October 2010

A new family member...

Sorry for the delay in posts recently – for reasons best known to itself, my internet is not working properly in the evenings at the moment. That’s not quite true – occasionally it will make a mammoth effort and load a page, but generally it is so slow that the page times out before anything has appeared on the screen. This only happens in the evenings… which is of course blogging time. The internet is very useful sometimes – I wouldn’t have met you lot without it! – but it does unleash that incomparable rage when things don’t go right. Because I never know how to fix it. I rarely get angry, but computers have caused me more fist-shaking, foot-stomping, voice-raising than anything else. ARGH!

So, at half midnight, it starts working - too late for me to write the review I was planning, but not too late to show you the new addition to my home in Somerset... I'll soon be visiting little Sherpa, but Our Vicar and Our Vicar's Wife are welcoming her at the moment - and have sent me a photo or two to be going on with:


  1. Oh, so cute.... congrats on the new addition! Lovely.

  2. Ah pets, the best thing in the world.

  3. Cute and I know the feeling about the internet!

  4. Oooh! She's adorable! Hope your internet sorts itself out soon - I know nothing can be so annoying.

  5. cute. . .lovely eyes! grats:)

  6. Welcome little cat!

    Wicked uncle Dark Puss

  7. Welcome to your new home, puss!

  8. Aw, what a lovely little girl!

  9. Congrats! I believe it is a well-known fact that cats enhance the domestic reading experience by at least 10 percent...

  10. Congrats! I'm trying to adopt my own little furry bundle of joy right now, too.


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at