Monday 18 October 2010

Back from the South West

Well, I'm back from the depths of Devon, and a very fun time was had by all ('all' being me and two of my housemates). I only read two books, and one of those wasn't even amongst the options I proffered. Thanks for all your suggestions and advice, though - I am now determined to read The Haunted Bookshop asap, and have read Parnassus on Wheels already, fear not. I'll let you know what I read soon, and I will tease you with this - the one which wasn't pictured might well be my favourite fiction read of the year so far. Certainly up there. I think it might get onto my 50 Books list...

But for tonight, I'll just share some photos from my trip (be warned - I also popped in to see Mum and Dad in Somerset, and the new kitten - cuteness overload!):


  1. What a darling kitten.....I really like Parnassus on Wheels better than Than Haunted Bookshop (though I don't dislike that) and would be interested in reading your take on them. I wonder how you would enjoy the Tish books by Mary Roberts Rinehart.

  2. I have both but haven't read them. I did start Parnassus on Wheels but lost interest - didn't realize what a period piece it was. In fact, I considered sending both of them to you when you mentioned someone else had given you one of them. I then sent them to a Benson email list member in Australia who had been shopping online for one of them - and the cost plus shipping to Oz made it pretty expensive.

  3. Well you've certainly got my curiosity piqued with that teaser! Hopefully, we haven't over-hyped The Haunted Bookshop and ruined it for you in advance (too many raves can ruin a perfectly good book, you know).

  4. Beautiful kitten! I'm glad you had a great time!

  5. Try "Homer's Odyssey" by Gwen Wilson if you like cats. :-)

  6. Kristi - she is so adorable!

    Nancy - I'm sure the Australian reader will have been very pleased, but what a kind thought, about sending them to me - thank you for the thought!

    Susan - haha, I do realise I sometimes over-hype...

    Elise - how could I not, with that sweetie??

    Paul - thank you for the recommendation! It has certainly piqued my interest - I do love cats in and out of literature.


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