Tuesday 4 August 2009

Book Blogger Appreciation Week

I've just spotted, through Juxtabook, that there is a Book Blogger Appreciation Week - who knew? Thought I'd share the link with you: here it is.

Until August 15th you can go along and nominate book blogs in lots of categories, from Best Name For A Blog to Most Eclectic Taste to Most Chatty to simply the book blog you most enjoy. I'm going to have to give it some thought, but I encourage you to go along and make nominations. You can fill every single category with 'stuck-in-a-book.co.uk' if you like (or if I pay you enough - c'mon, it would be difficult *not* to nominate me for Best Romance Blog or Most Altruistic Blog, wouldn't it?) but perhaps, just perhaps, there are other people you think are worthy!

Once nominations are sorted out, and panelists have adjudicated, shortlists will be open for voting. They're out on September 7th, and voting continues until September 12th. But for now - go and get nominating! Let's get some UK book blogs represented there, guys.


  1. They are a little overwhelming! I think you can just fill in the boxes you want to.

  2. I'm on my way over now, thanks for the link!

  3. I seemed to have missed out on this and am going to have to do something on it on Savidge Reads very soon as would be nice to see some Brits do well.

  4. I like how they even let you vote for yourself...



I've now moved to www.stuckinabook.com, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at www.stuckinabook.com.