Wednesday 1 July 2009

Year Three: Book Reviews

Ashworth, Jenn - A Kind of Intimacy
Bailey, Jenna - Can Any Mother Help Me?
Baker, Frank - Miss Hargreaves
Beauman, Nicola - The Other Elizabeth Taylor
Bowen, Elizabeth - The Last September
Cannan, Joanna - Princes in the Land
Carey, Edward - Observatory Mansions
Cavanagh, Mary - A Seriously Useful Author's Guide to Marketing and Publicising Books

Compton-Burnett, Ivy - Parents and Children
Compton-Burnett, Ivy - Manservant & Maidservant

Compton-Burnett, Ivy - Pastors and Masters
Comyns, Barbara - Sisters By A River
Comyns, Barbara - The House of Dolls
Cunningham, Michael - The Hours

Delafield, E.M. - As Others Hear Us
Dennys, Joyce - Henrietta's War
Dennys, Joyce - Repeated Doses
Devonshire, Deborah - Home To Roost
Dominguez, Carlos Maria - The Paper House
Faulks, Sebastian - Pistache
Frame, Janet - The Lagoon
Frisby, Terence - Kisses on a Postcard
Garnett, Angelica - The Unspoken Truth
Gavron, Asaf - Croc Attack!
Graham, Virginia - Say Please
Greenberg, Michael - Beg, Borrow, Steal: A Writer's Life
Greene, Graham - Travels With My Aunt
Hapwood, Dianne - Tea and Tranquillisers
Harman, Claire - Jane's Fame
Hart, Elizabeth Anna - The Runaway
Hill, Susan - Howards End is on the Landing
Hill, Susan - The Beacon
Hill, Susan - In the Springtime of the Year
Ishiguro, Kazuo - Never Let Me Go
Jackson, Shirley - The Bird's Nest
Jackson, Shirley - We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Jansson, Tove - The True Deceiver
Kundera, Milan - Immortality
Kundera, Milan - Identity
Last, Nella - Nella Last's War
Lawrence, D.H. - The Fox
Lee, Hermione - A Very Short Introduction to Biography
Lelord, Francois - Hector and the Search for Happiness
Leverson, Ada - Love's Shadow
Lindsay, Joan - Picnic at Hanging Rock
Longford, Christine - Making Conversation
Macaulay, Rose - Crewe Train
Macaulay, Rose - Keeping Up Appearances
Mansfield, Katherine - Selected Stories
Maxwell, William - They Came Like Swallows
Michaels, Anne - Fugitive Pieces
Miles, Susan - Lettice Delmer
Murray, Simone - Mixed Media
Nemirovsky, Irene - David Golder
Olmi, Veronique - Beside the Sea
Oyeyemi, Helen - White is for Witching
Panter-Downes, Mollie - Minnie's Room: The Peacetime Stories
Saki - A Shot in the Dark
Sam, Anna - Checkout: A Life on the Tills
Sjon - The Blue Fox
Sinclair, May - Life and Death of Harriett Frean
Smith, Emma - Maidens' Trip
Spalding, Frances - Insights: The Bloomsbury Group
Stevenson, D.E. - Mrs. Tim of the Regiment
Strachey, Julia - Cheerful Weather for the Wedding
Struther, Jan - Try Anything Twice
Summerscale, Kate - The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher
Taylor, Elizabeth - Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
Taylor, Elizabeth - A Game of Hide and Seek
Truss, Lynne - Making the Cat Laugh
Visman, Janni - Sex Education
von Arnim, Elizabeth - The Enchanted April
Wodehouse, P.G. - Indiscretions of Archie
Wodehouse, P.G. - Aunts Aren't Gentlemen
Wolff, Tobias - In the Garden of the North American Martyrs
Woolf, Virginia - Flush
Young, E.H. - Miss Mole
Zaid, Gabriel - So Many Books
Various - Bayard Books

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