Monday 12 May 2008


I've been amusing myself over the past few days with a little bit of painting - one in acrylic, my old favourite, and one in oils. I haven't painted in oils before, so it was something of an experiment...

Since I have nothing else to write about today, I thought I'd share the results with you:
Woman against Orange Background (acrylic)

Tea At Four O'Clock (oils)


  1. I like the acrylic (orange/grey) one. The oil doesn't grab me. What size are they? You should sell these online - maybe get an etsy shop (

  2. Simon, I love love LOVE the orange and black one. And I like the big eyes in the bottom one too.

    I wish I could draw/paint. My stick men are wonky.

  3. I love tea at Four O'Clock ... interesting that I, a writer, should refer to it by its title and not by its colours ... but I think it's strange and arresting and original.

  4. Prefer the latter - nice work on the eyes, vase and teacup particularly.

  5. I think they are both great, but I particularly like Tea at Four O'Clock - so whimsical!

  6. Thanks for your comments, guys!

    Ruth, the sizes are 14x16 inches (Woman against Orange Background) and 10x14 inches (Tea at Four O'Clock).

    Angela - your words 'strange, arresting' were so exactly what I was trying to achieve, that I beamed when I read them! I think I prefer Tea at Four O'Clock, perhaps because it took me much longer and was more of an experiment on my part. Though currently she has no left-hand, as I have amputated it... will add a better one soon!

  7. I really love the oil one (although they are both brilliant!) It's so striking, and an unusual portrait of someone drinking tea!

    On an unrelated note, I was so interested to see that you had chosen the letters of Joyce and Ginny as one of your 50 must reads. I actually wrote my Masters dissertation on Joyce, and went to Cambridge to look at the 'real' letters, so it's wonderful to see someone else who appreciates them!

  8. I didn't notice the lack of left hand ... so went back to look. And on re-looking, it seems to me that she has got a left hand - but perhaps it's not a left hand that you're happy with?

  9. I wasn't clear, Angela - the left hand has disappeared subsequent to the photo being taken! The one shown wasn't good, so I painted it out. She's still handless, actually...

  10. Hi - probably easier to reply on here, since I have no idea how to respond to an 'anon' post! - imagine bloggers in the early years of writing, no one would have a clue who their readers were!

    Anyway, yes - fellow Oxfordian, although I'm a Town rather than Gown member! Your idea for a Masters sounds really interesting and I wish you the best of luck. Writing on Joyce was one of the best things I've had to do in a while - she was such an interesting person!

  11. worried about that table leg! However, it sent me straight to the teapot - so must be powerful!

  12. Mum?

    The table leg was deliberate! In fact, most of the angles are crazy - but the triangle on the floor made them seem less crazy than I'd hoped.


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