Sunday 20 May 2007

Having A Ball

Oh dear, this is going to be a brief entry - having blitzed a week of exams, my mind seems to have gone for hibernation, and refuses to do much but sleep and... actually, that's all it's happy to do at the moment. Just a quick post today, and then more tomorrow - when I will finally tell you what I received from Hesperus. If you look at their latest catalogue, you'll see that Your's Truly has been included in the review section, with the post I put up a few days ago. Fame AND glory, I think you'll agree.

So, I'm sure you're asking, why the Phantom-of-the-Operaesque pictures for today? Well, to finish the most intense week of my U
niversity career, I, like Cinderella, went to a ball. I'm afraid that's where the comparisons with Cinderella end - one of the endearing things about Oxford is that appearances are deceptive. There we all were in our Black Tie, and among the attractions was... a Bouncy Castle. I kid you not. I haven't been on one for many years, and I'd forgotten how exhausting the things are. That's right - I'm too unfit for bouncy castles.

The ball was the annual Leavers' Ball at my church in Oxford, and a lovely, lovely evening. Photos up of all the leavers, gr
eat atmosphere and good, clean fun, as they say. Oh, and in case you haven't guessed, it was a Venetian Masquerade ball, hence my rather dashing mask, purchased from Ebay. What a wonderful thing the internet is.

1 comment:

  1. The ball sounds wonderful and I'm sending heaps of congratulations your way!


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