Sunday 9 March 2008

Back from Londontown

I've just had a very enjoyable and busy weekend in London, seeing a few friends who have migrated there from university. The downside is that I've lost my glasses - last seen on a table in the coffee bar at Tate Modern. Perhaps they will become an exhibit. Very irritating, and blearily made my way home - and had to cancel my driving lesson. Oh dear. But, aside from this, had a wonderful time in the Big City. Too many bookshops around, which wrought temptation... So, thanks to Lorna, Ashini, Matt, Joy and Becky for providing such a fun couple of days!

1 comment:

  1. did you buy books? )-:
    i always told you you should have a string for your glasses.

    XxX lge.


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

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