Saturday 4 May 2013

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

And the weekend comes at the end of the week which, in Britain, finally brought warm weather!  We seem to have skipped spring altogether, and moved straight to summer - which is a shame for me, because spring is easily my favourite season.  Ho-hum.

Today I'll be going to a 1970s-themed murder mystery party... which I'm also writing.  And that tense is used intentionally, since I still haven't finished writing it... eek!  Best get a move on; just time to tell you about a blog post, a book, and a link.

1.) The book - isn't new, but is a mini-project between me and Karen / Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings, which we're inviting everyone to join in with.  I love doing little readalongs with other bloggers, so if I see that they've recently bought a book I've been intending to read, I quite often pop a comment in, seeing if they'd like to read at the same time.  Karen and I talked about reading Nina Bawden together (an author I've yet to read, although I have a few of her books) and the only one we both owned was A Woman of My Age.  So we'll be both be reading it, and probably posting about it sometime towards the end of the month.  Do join in!

2.) The link - I have got so obsessed BuzzFeed of late... yes, the cute animals, but also myriad other addictive lists.  I do love a list.  Most recently, I have been amazed by these optical illusions (particularly numbers 11 and 14).

3.) The blog post - read about the postal book group I'm in, and the fantastic book Danielle sent around this time, in her blog post here.


  1. A seventies-themed murder mystery: I suppose all those power cuts created the perfect conditions in which to carry out a murder? Some might say that the seventies (the decade in which I was born) is more notable for crimes against fashion than other forms of criminality. All a matter of taste in the end.

    1. Ha! We had power, so it wasn't totally authentic... and the clothes were all rather vague interpretations on the 1970s! I tried to be inspired by Saturday Night Fever, mixed with hippie tie-dye...

  2. Since you liked those illusions you linked to, then I think you will like these even more! They also come with an explanation as to what is going on in your eye/brain system.

    You might also find this page of interest

  3. Thanks for posting about the readalong Simon - I'm looking forward to it!

  4. (and your Postal Reading Group book sounds lovely!)

    1. It has introduced me to some great books - and I've been in it constantly since 2004, which is a strange thought!

  5. Count me in Simon. I am looking forward to this Readalong.

    1. Excellent news! I'm halfway through at the moment...

  6. I have a couple of Nina Bawden books on my shelves and have never read them, but A Woman of My Age is not one of them unfortunately. However, this reminds me that I need to try her!

    1. Maybe we could unofficially extend to any other Bawden books people want to try ;)

  7. I love Nina Bawden - but don't have this one! GRRR! Will do my best to joing in...

    1. Fingers crossed! But you can still come and tell us about her other books :)

  8. 1970's Murder Mystery? I don't get it! What was notable about the 70's re murder mysteries?

    1. It was just a murder mystery party that had a certain theme - 1970s because my friend was born in the 1970s!

  9. I enjoyed Cheerful Weather readalong very much and would love to take part in this. I ordered a copy and really look forward to it.


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at