Monday 27 May 2013

A very, very quick Bank Holiday post...

25 signs you're addicted to reading?

I reckon we'll all tick at least 20. Aaaaaand... go!


  1. I gave up counting around #6. I was very happy to see the Purist Principle featured - The Book is Always Better (though I agree with the comments that the film of The Princess Bride is an exception). Happy long weekend - extra reading time for many of us :)

  2. Oh, that made me laugh, which is always a good way to start the day - and I'd have to own up to a fair few of these!

  3. That was hilarious. Thanks for sharing Simon!

  4. Not all cats sit still long enough to learn to read.......!!!
    3rd 'Honey Pot Books' open day today - bibliophiles are beginning to trickle in and books are going out by the bag-load! I'm meeting some lovely people :)

  5. I ticked 11. Loved some of the cartoons!

  6. I love this. I'm still laughing at number 23. And book hangovers. So true!

    Happy Bank Holiday everyone!

  7. Brilliant! I especially liked the "Book Hangover" - I *so* get that when I've finished a book I love!!

  8. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing, Simon. #13 is my favourite, I so agree with it (nice photos as well). Have a great Bank Holiday!

  9. I have to admit to at least 12 of these, and parts of some of the others.
    Book hangovers, I have them. A long time a go I had a job where I worked with 3 other people just like me, there were days none of us were awake.

  10. Book hangovers... oh yes; I know those well.

  11. Frighteningly accurate...I loved what they said about looking around once you've finished a book and realising that everyone else is getting on with their day while you've just had an *experience*

  12. This was fun...I ticked quite a few!

  13. great fun reading through the list I have quite a few as well ,all the best stu


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