Tuesday 30 April 2013

My ediction continues...

Remember a while ago, when I told you about my addiction to buying different editions of the Provincial Lady series by E.M. Delafield?  This was cleverly nicknamed an 'ediction' by Susan - and fed by lovely Agnieszka!  This arrived in the post the other day...

Agnieszka, you are very wicked for being my enabler - but very kind as well!  Thank you so much - my edillection (can you work out what that is?) is a step nearer completion...


  1. I have six copies of this! Daft isn't it?

    1. I think I must be on about six now! Only fellow bibliophiles would understand.

  2. I like the word ediction! The pictured edition is the only one I own, but I do like it very much. Wait, I lie! I also have an all-books-in-one edition.

    1. Susan did well with inventing that! I'm glad to hear that you have more than one :)

  3. Wonderful - so glad you have this lovely copy!

    1. Agnieszka is such a gem for sending it to me!

  4. For fun, I Googled images of Diary of a Provincial Lady. Oh my gosh, the editions go on and on. And on.

    Take a look: http://tinyurl.com/manyladies

    1. Thanks for the link - so many more to add!

  5. What a beautiful copy. I've been doing this with all of Barbara Pym's books.

    1. I really loved that series of patterned covers - this is only the third one I've got, but one of those is the Pym!

  6. Oh, what a thoughtful friend! I added another edition to my collection this past Sunday, Simon, an American first edition with dust jacket. There's a photo on my blog if you'd care for a peek.

    1. I will go and have a look, Darlene! I'm very lucky that Agnieszka is such a lovely reader.

  7. You are more than welcome, Simon. I’m glad it got to you fine.

    Edillection – very clever :) 

  8. Simon - I have to know - where do you PUT all these books? I've just moved house (again) and even though I feel that I hardly ever buy books these days, there just isn't room for any more! Do you have some in storage?

    1. I am lucky enough to have tolerant parents! I have ten bookcases at home in Somerset, and three in Oxford... some day they will have to unite. But I couldn't cope with putting my books in storage!

  9. This is such a gorgeous edition, Simon (in fact I love this whole range with the beautiful fabrics) - indeed, I thought it was so pretty I bought it for my mum a couple of Christmases ago. I'm sure it'll look fabulous on your shelves.

    Oh, and I'm with reading19001950 - do you have clever book-storing advice? I could really do with some space-saving tips as well. That's why I had to buy a Kindle. :-)

    1. Those patterned covers were gorgeous, weren't they? I wanted them ALL, but I already had nearly all the books in other editions, and I couldn't justify getting them all...

  10. Of course it's natural to do that with your favourite book. I do that with Donna Tartt's The Secret History.:) I think I have a copy of The Provincial Lady but haven't managed to read it yet but I will!


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