Wednesday 5 May 2010

Persephone Reading Week: on hold...

I've been struck down with food poisoning or a bug or something, so I'm afraid Persephone Reading Week is going to be on hold here for a bit, until I feel human again... but do keep voting in the poll (or, rather, vote if you haven't voted yet!) and I'll concentrate on being healthy enough to attend the UK Book Bloggers' Meet-Up on Saturday...


  1. oOOooo no - feel better soon! We should supply you with one of the Persephone audio books perhaps...or the DVD of Miss Pettigrew

  2. Oh no :( I saw on facebook that you were feeling poorly; I hope that you feel better soon and are at least able to comfort yourself with, well, something comforting.

  3. Poor you. Snuggle up with a hot water bottle & a book.

  4. Oh no! Poor you! Get well soon!

  5. Oh no! How horrible, I think that Verity is right... I think that this situation has got "audiobook" written all over it

    Get well soon


  6. I hope you feel better soon! Also hope the meetup goes well - am so sad to miss out!

  7. Get well soon ! Do you play Chess ?aststrin

  8. Hope you get well soon! Had never heard of Persephone Books - intriguing them having all the same cover - a genteel version of Virago?? - good to have another publisher doing something similar, with attention to the format as well. I shall have to have a look at one to really get the picture. Though I am not buying any books at the moment! ..Saying that I have been given Amazon token so maybe I can get one from that...
    Did you hear Diana Athill on Woman's Hour? (I think) Very alert and well-sounding for 90-odd. Must read her memoirs. Jane

  9. Poor you! Get well soon!

  10. Oh, no! I hope you don't have to miss your event. That is the worst! I also hope you can find a book that can comfort you as you feel sickly.

  11. How unfortunate! Rest up (hopefully with some delightful books) and get better soon1

  12. Yikes! Poor you. I hope you're feeling better very soon.

  13. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Oh drat! You poor thing, hurry up and feel better soon.

  15. Get well soon Simon, its horrid when you are feeling so ropey you can't even read! Looking forward to seeing you spritely on Saturday!

  16. Hope you are feeling better, Simon, and well enough for Saturday's meet up.


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