But that's by-the-by, really, because I was very impressed by Brother of the More Famous Jack. It is, although I hate the expression and usually hate the genre, a coming-of-age novel. That phrase always makes me shudder and think of ghastly books like The Catcher in the Rye (which we didn't much like as a whole, remember?) but Trapido's novel is much better than that. We see Katherine start off as an ingenuous eighteen year old, thrown into the maelstrom of the Goldman household. And since the novel is in the first person, we feel thrown into it as well. Eccentric, forthright Professor Jacob - a 'creative and inspired grumbler' - his kind but sharp wife Jane, and their six children (especially Roger and Jonathan, competing at various points throughout the novel for her affection) provide a world of which Katherine has no experience. They are in turns enchanting, frustrating, and bewildering - for the reader as much as Katherine. Katherine herself it is difficult not to like, if only for this: 'I reverted, as I do in moments of crisis, to rereading Emma, with cotton wool in my ears.' A sound course of action for anyone, I think you'll agree. At the same time, Katherine is not a wholly endearing character - more an empathetic one. Watching her grow wiser, we understand rather than adore Katherine.
And aside from the characters, Oxford is often a star of the novel. Although a country bumpkin like me is captured more by the descriptions of the Goldmans' rural estate, I must admit to being won over by this depiction of Oxford, as experienced by Roger Goldman:
Oxford was a place of magical cobbled lanes which led to the sweet-shop. It was a place where tea came with strawberries before the peal of bells for Evensong, where Grandmother, in a Pringle sweater and thick stockings, took one to watch punters from the bridge over the High Street, and where one went through doors into secret gardens with high stone walls. He never came to see it as a place afflicted with too much trad and old stones. He was not, as I was, embarrassed by the idea of privilege. He described to me with an almost hol joy the journey he would make from the railway station, past the litter and grot beside the slime-green canal, past the jail and on into St. Ebbes towards the ample splendour of Christ Church.The middle section of the novel, where Katherine heads off to Rome and a volatile relationship with a jealous Italian, is less successful and at times a little wearing. Trapido is much more successful when back amongst the Goldm
Like many of the novels I enjoy, Brother of the More Famous Jack is more about character and style than it is about plot - which makes it difficult to describe or recommend successfully. So I suggest you just pick up a copy and give it a go. It's not my favourite novel this year and it isn't cosily enchanting or anything like that, but I might just be inclined to agree with the blurb which claims that, with this novel, Trapido redefined the coming-of-age novel.
Books to get Stuck into:
Dodie Smith - I Capture the Castle: I've never actually blogged about it, but this is THE quintessential coming-of-age novel - and the only one before Trapido's that I'd ever enjoyed. Funny, wise, and I'm even prepared to use the word 'enchanting'.
Angelica Garnett - The Unspoken Truth: fiction, but heavily influenced by her own life, these four stories evoke the same ingenuousness amongst wry bohemia.
Thanks for highlighting Trapido's work. Since I now have the opportunity of getting a greater variety of books I must try to find one of these books from your post today.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite novels! I was glad to see the new pretty cover.
ReplyDeleteI have always, perhaps incorrectly, assumed that the title referencing the Yeats brothers was touching on the competition for Katherine's affections between Roger, the "famous" golden boy in their youth and his trouble making younger brother, Jonathan, who ends up being the more famous brother through the publication of his novel while Roger has become a domesticated husband ruled by his head girl wife. I don't really know though its just my guess ;)
I was predisposed to feel a kinship with Katherine due to her preference for Emma, knitting in public, and reading Vogue magazine. I agree with you that the Italian section is weak but I still cry when I read about her poor baby.
I'll be interested in your take on Trapido's The Travelling Horn Player if you keep going with her books- I was pretty disappointed in it.
Meanwhile you've inspired me to reread this one, again. Thanks! :)
I always assumed the title to be a sly dig at intellectual snobbery--asking for WB Yeats by referring to him as "brother of the more famous Jack". (It would be standard to ask for Jack Yeats' writing by referring to him as "brother of the more famous William".)
DeleteI do like Trapido's work and am very much looking forward to going to hear her speak next week.
ReplyDeleteInteresting review Simon - thank you for sharing it... Your mention of Angelica Garrnett puts me in mind of her memoir - Deceived with Kindness - have you read this? I think that you would probably enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteHappy reading and happy Tuesday
Jack Butler Yeats was, possibly, one of the most important Irish artists of the twentieth century & way better well known than his brother W.B. for years.
ReplyDeleteWhen I am a zillionaire< I want to own one of his pictures but, for now, allow me to direct you to this link.
I think that we are very alligned on the use of 'coming of age' story and also on The Catcher in the Rye which I was left totally underwhelmed by!
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds quite ok, though not sure it is quite me. maybe if one fell in my path might give it a whirl.
Mystica - I hope you enjoy - I have another five to sink my teeth into at some point...
ReplyDeleteFancy Day - That's a really interesting interpretation, I think you're probably right. Is it just The Travelling Hornplayer you didn't like?
Verity - yes, should be fun!
Hannah - I have indeed, it's even in my 50 Books You Must Read list, I thought it was very good, and a unique angle on the Bloomsbury set.
Alison - Consider me educated(!)
Simon - we are aligned on that! Which is why I hate using the words 'coming-of-age' for this, because it is so much better than the image that conjures up.
I am one of those people who gets absurdly protective of characters I love, so my issue with The Travelling Horn Player was that I started reading it with no idea that Trapido revisits characters from Brother of the More Famous Jack in it. And I really, really didn't like what she did with Katherine and Jonathan one bit. It made me mad!
ReplyDeleteBut I might have had a different opinion if I hadn't read Brother of the More Famous Jack first and gotten myself attached to them. I just wasn't able to keep an unbiased frame of mind about things!
I should probably try another one of her novels at some point though.
Oooh, I didn't realise they popped up again there. Maybe I'll try and read it before I see her talk next week...