Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Bad Jane Eyre Covers

Busy week, so quickly... my friend Lorna sent me a link to Bad Jane Eyre Covers, and (being a fan of awful covers) I loved it.  You can see them here.

When my week has calmed down, I might try and see what I can source for another novel or two... but feel free to give it a whirl yourself!


  1. My goodness and there are SO many of them. It's amazing. They really are awful! Makes you wonder.

  2. Off to take a look, thanks for the link. :)

  3. Wonderfully awful. Can't decide which is my favourite.

  4. Those are just - hideous! Yes, I'm afraid the cover illustration really *is* important!!

  5. Almost unbelievably awful... Have to share with others!

  6. Some are so horrendous, you gotta love 'em. But that film with Virginia Bruce is not from the '50s, it's from the '30s. 1934, I believe.

  7. I actually really like 3 covers from that list, but the rest really are hilariously horrific!


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