Monday 18 August 2014

Shiny New Books: Issue 2a

Those of you who receive the Shiny New Books newsletter will know that the 'inbetweeny' issue is now live - that is, the update between issues, which includes anything published just after or just before Issue 2 went live that we were keen to incorporate. Go and explore!

In my case, it also involves a novel that I hadn't heard of - Virginia Woolf in Manhattan by Maggie Gee - that I was so intrigued by and had to read. Luckily it turned out to be very good. You can read my review of it here, and (even better) a piece that Maggie Gee wrote for us, answering my questions, here.

I'm determined to set aside some time this week to writing SIAB reviews, as the pile is looming, and there are plenty of treats to come. At least this way they will get posted after the summer lull, when blog views and comments crash down!

Hope you're all very well, and reading lovely books. I'm currently indulging in Marilynne Robinson's Home (finally, Susan!) in preparation for reading Lila for Shiny New Books Issue 3.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are enjoying Home - I've already got Lila on my wishlist, but will be looking forward to your review for SNB.


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at