Sunday 8 December 2013

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

Short intro... enjoy!

1.) The blog post - don't forget to be checking out Kim's advent calendar of bloggers' best books of 2013!  That link takes you to Kim's blog Reading Matters so you can scroll through the choices; to see mine, which appeared on day one, click here.

2.) The book - another reprint publisher which got in touch recently was Turnpike Books, who sent A.E. Coppard's short stories Weep Not My Wanton, which I'm excited to read as soon as I possibly can.

3.) The link - these are probably faked, at least some of them, but funny notes written by kids are always going to be funny, yes?


  1. Thanks for linking to my advent calendar, Simon. I'm having such fun finding out everyone's choices — such an eclectic mix. So far we've had non-fiction, YA fiction, literary fiction & a Booker Prize winner!

    1. The Advent Calendar is such a lovely idea - thanks for pointing this out, Simon!


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at