Saturday 2 March 2013

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

Ok, I lied last week.  I said I'd sneak my OxfordWords highlights in after the book, link, and blog post - but this week I can't resist devoting the post to two pieces over there which I think are really fantastic.  And one of them is partly by me, so I'm being a little bit egotistical...

1.) Baby Names Generator - go and find out what your baby should be called!  My colleague Rachel wrote great copy for it, but I mostly love it for the adorable pictures of babies...

2.) Dr. Seuss meet Dr. Murray - my colleague Malie and I wrote a poem about an imaginary meeting between a young Dr. Seuss and Dr. Murray, the famous Editor of the OED.  And a brilliant cartoonist called John Taylor drew Dr. Murray in his Scriptorium, in the style of Dr. Seuss.  It makes me so happy...

Have a great weekend, everyone!  I'll be at the Bodleian tomorrow, but hoping to get some reading done in the evening.  I only finished three books in MarchFebruary, y'all...


  1. You sound quite Texan there at the end :)

    1. Ha! Yes, my non-existent southern American roots coming out...

  2. Is 3 an all time low? Loved the baby name generator (I don't plan on having any more myself, but it was fun to play with), and thought the poem quite clever. Happy weekend to you!

    1. In my first year of university, I finished very few books (because I was reading excerpts from so many) - but I think 3 is an all-time low since then! I usually read at least 10...

  3. Ermmm - there *are* still a few more days left in March to read some more books, Simon..........!

    *Love* the poem and the picture - I've always been a huge fan of Dr. Seuss, particularly "Solla Sellew" which I grew up with.

    1. Oops, consider it amended!
      I think my only childhood Seuss experience was The Cat In The Hat (did this spark off my love of cats?) but there was another one about sneaking out of a house at night, which might have been him...

  4. I did the baby name generator for fun and got Ophelia and Jude... A good match for the girl's name as my daughter was going to be Isabella, then Rosalind and ended up as Juliet, my initial fave Miranda having been rejected by my now ex!

    1. I think we're all probably going to get the ones influenced by literature, aren't we? ;)

  5. Must ask Taylor how she feels about the name 'Alice'. Beautiful name but there's a sudden urge to consider adding a bunny into the mix.

    1. Nice name! But, yes, white rabbits everywhere...

  6. The names I came up with were Raine for girl and Uriah for boy. I don't have children but maybe for my next generation of cats? Happy reading for the rest of March.

    1. I think a cat would feel most undignified being called Raine!


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