Saturday 16 February 2013

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

It's been a tiring week, mostly because I came down with a virus last weekend (I'm very glad I scheduled four posts to appear before I was stricken!) so I'm looking forward to collapsing a bit.  AND seeing my dear friend Mel, who is visiting Oxford.  I hope you all have equally fun plans!  And if you don't, solace yourself with a book, a link, and a blog post.

1.) The book - who'd have thought that one of the new books I'm most excited about would be a graphic novel?  I loved the colourful, gentle touch of Brecht Evens' The Wrong Place, so different to the brash superhero-comic-style of many graphic novels (but not all, of course.)  So I asked Jonathan Cape if they'd be kind enough to send me his latest, and they very nicely did - it's called The Making Of and it looks to have the same aesthetic.  I will, of course, tell you more when I've read it.

2.) The link - is to the first post I've written in my new job at OxfordWords!  Actually, the first one I wrote will be appearing on Tuesday - this post, on '5 Words You Didn't Know Were Acronyms', was written yesterday as a quick substitute for something else - but it was great fun to write, and might surprise you.

3.) The blog post - I'm afraid I've been pretty rubbish at commenting on posts this week, from my sickbed, but I've been reading 'em.  Mary/Mrs. Miniver's Daughter has some lovely mural images in her latest post.  She seems to be at an exhibition every other hour, and I must follow her example and try to get to the British Murals and Decorative Painting 1910-1970 exhibition before it closes on 9th March.


  1. What fun! Never heard of quango in my life, but I knew about scuba and laser. I'll blame the grandfather in the movie version of Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang for the POSH acronym being so believable. (Now I've got the song stuck in my head...Posh with a capital P-O-S-H...)
    Wishing you a full recovery!

    1. Ha! I don't remember the song, I have to confess, but I did used to love the film...

  2. Hello Simon! I am Susan in TX's second dd, and I am quite familiar with POSH. I didn't know about the acronym for care packages-- a fascinating and well-written article.

    1. Lovely to hear from you! How nice :)
      And thanks so much! I have to say, I was very surprised about care package.

  3. I knew about those acronyms except for POG (probably due to being a child in the 1960-70 period). Thought you might have mentioned that LASER comes from modifying MASER. Why are you surprised to be excited about a graphic novel? Have you not warmed to them before or is it a style that you assumed you wouldn't like?

    Hope you are better soon; I was in Oxford yesterday and hope to be back a little more often this year so perhaps we could meet up for tea and arguments (sorry, erudite discussions). ;-)

    1. The OED entry does say that it developed from 'maser', but I thought the connection was unlikely to enlighten many people!

      I think it's just my prejudice against graphic novels - so the surprise is that I have overcome my prejudice, rather than any quality assessment of the books themselves!

      I look forward to seeing you in Oxford one day before too long :)


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at