I bought Dusty Answer (1927) eight years ago, and it's been on holiday with me a couple of times, and yet I hadn't read it (or any Rosamond Lehmann novels) until this week. I had intended to read a different Lehmann novel, but then decided to start at the beginning, with the novel Lehmann had published when she was 26, the same age I am. I'm glad I did. Dusty Answer is brilliant, and fulfilled all the expectations I've been building up in my head over the past eight years.
The papier-mache dog (Pastey) was made by my friend Mel's boyfriend... Mel insisted that he make an appearance. |
But, we learn in the first page or two, Charlie is killed. The children grow up and don't see each other. Judith must start to make a life for her own - which she does, as a student at Cambridge. This was the section I liked least. The character who looms largest in Judith's life at this point is Jennifer - they bond over insulting a chubby, ugly girl behind her back; they are essentially horrified by a lack of beauty. This was where I lost a bit of sympathy for Judith. But a novel - even one which looks through the eyes of one character - doesn't fail or succeed on the sympathetic qualities of its protagonist. Lehmann still writes engagingly and Cambridge life, but I missed the cousins. I wanted them back. That group was what gave the novel vitality for me. And, luckily... they came back! I shan't spoil any more, but things get increasingly complex...
Dusty Answer spans Judith's life from childhood to her early twenties (I think) and Lehmann is convincing at the subtle ways she changes as she ages - and the same for all the children as they become adults (except poor Charlie, of course.) Only Julian and Roddy got rather confused in my mind, and we might be able to lay the blame at the door of the hot weather this week. As a central character, Judith is convincing in her thoughts and responses, irksome in her self-consciousness and occasional hysteria, and an odd (but believable) mix of concern for the lives of others and intense introspection. Perhaps common traits of the only-child with distant parents. One character sums up her approach to life rather well:
Have you ever been happy? No. Whenever you come near to being, you start thinking: "Now I am happy. How interesting... Am I really happy?"Yet, although she has a few off-putting qualities, these only serve to make her more interesting and rounded as a focal pair of eyes for the novel. She seems to have been based on Lehmann herself. None of the characters are saints or sinners; the good do not end happily and the bad unhappily - Lehmann's novel reflects the highs and lows, obsessions and irritations of life itself - albeit rather heightened at times.

Into the deep blue translucent shell of night. The air parted lightly as the car plunged through it, washing away in waves that smelt of roses and syringa and all green leaves. The moon struggled with clouds. She wore a faint and gentle face.But I think the only way to see whether or not you'd like Dusty Answer is to pick up a copy and start reading. Since it was on my shelf for eight years, you'll have gathered that a synopsis alone doesn't sell it as a must-read. But if, like me, you've somehow gone through your life without reading any of Rosamond Lehmann's output, then - hie thee to a library!
"I shouldn't be surprised if there was rain before daybreak," said Martin; and, reaching at length the wan straight high road, accelerated with a sigh of satisfaction.
"Faster, Martin, faster."
Faster and faster he went. She settled herself close against him, and through half-shut eyes saw the hawthorn and wild-rose hedges stream backward on either hand. The night air was a drug from whose sweet insinuating caress she prayed never to wake. Soon, through one leafy roadway after another, the headlights pierced a tunnel of green gloom. The lanes were full of white scuts and little paws, paralysed; and then, as Martin painstakingly slowed down, dipping and twinkling into the banks. Moths flickered bright-winged an instant in the lamplight before being dashed to their fried and ashy death. Once or twice came human beings, objects of mean and foolish design, incongruous in the night's cast grandeur; and here and there, under the trees, upon the stiles, in the grass, a couple of them, locked face to face, disquietingly still, gleamed and vanished. She observed them with distaste: passion was all ugliness and vulgar imbecility.
Thanks so much, Florence, for running Rosamond Lehmann Reading Week and for making me finally read this novel. It's so, so good!
I teach Dusty Answer, and it's a very good one for the late teens, even foreign ones. trhey relate passionately to the university novel element, and to the agonising love affairs, and struggle over Martin. Being Flemish they also like the ice-skating! It's a good novel, but not one I reread for pleasure, too angsty, too introspective, I keep wanting to shake Judith, but she's a very good portrait of a teenager, who barely grows up. Kate
ReplyDeleteOddly, despite my usual allergy for introspective teenagers, I didn't find it too much in Dusty Answer - although if the whole thing had been set during the Cambridge years, it definitely *would* have been too much...
DeleteI'm also glad I joined in the week (reading Invitation to the Waltz), and enjoyed that so much I want to read Dusty Answer too. Lovely review as always Simon.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Annabel! I have two or three other RLs waiting, including Invitation to the Waltz, so will get to that one day...
DeleteIt is a wonderful novel, isn't it Simon? As you say, the prose alone makes it worth reading - and I'm still thinking about the book days after finishing it which is always a good sign.
ReplyDeleteShe's just such a natural writer!
DeleteSo glad you enjoyed it after waiting all this time to read it. It's a while since I read it but this brought it all back -- what a lovely book, what great quotes and what an excellent review. Perhaps you'll read more of RL now? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThank you Harriet! I definitely will read more now - I have two or three others. Indeed, she's one of those authors I know I own several of, but can never remember which ones.
DeleteI just looked back at my 2009 review of this book when I discovered I hadn't added it to my librarything books. I actually remember it very well - it was the first Rosamond Lehmann nove I had read and I loved it. I think I too liked the Cambridge section rather less than the rest of the novel, and Judith and Jennifer's treatment of that poor girl was vile. Glad you enjoyed it so much.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could squeeze it into re-reading month!
DeleteYes, J & J were very cruel to poor Mabel, but I think that was part of Lehmann's way of showing Jennifer's callousness, Judith's ambivalence and naivety, and the way girls really can be towards each other. It was desperately sad and not pleasant to read in places but I think it was a necessary part of the story.
ReplyDeleteInteresting - I got the impression that it was supposed to show Jennifer's sensitivity to her environment, and that Lehmann rather supported their view. Intriguing that we had different interpretations!
Delete'Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul / When hot for certainties in this our life!' (George Meredith) I read Dusty Answer many years ago and have been meaning to give it a re-read, as I remember loving it. I'm envious that you have Lehmann's Invitation to the Waltz ahead of you, and look forward to your thoughts on that gorgeous novel.
ReplyDeleteI didn't spot the epigraph by Meredith until I'd nearly finished, and it made a lot of sense!
DeleteAh Simon, your lovely review brought DL back to me, I really must reread it. I think you will enjoy Invitation to the Waltz too (which I did reread quite recently and is just as beautiful as I remember).
ReplyDeleteObviously I to the W will have to be my next Lehmann!
DeleteI'm so pleased you enjoyed Dusty Answer so much!
ReplyDeleteI never found Judith's introspection too much, either. It is intense, yes, but I suppose that is the natural consequence of being constantly in the character's head rather than having an omniscient narrator who can take his distance when things get too hot. My mother agreed with the comment above, however, and said she got completely exasperated with Judith's angst.
As for the section on childhood, I too found it was excellently done - and so accurate! I particularly enjoyed all Judith's day-dreaming and making up of stories about Charlie - that had me laughing no end.
I posted a few thoughts the other day on Dusty Answer and the comparison between Lehmann's style and Debussy's music:
Thanks so much for running this week, it was really fun. I have to say, the day-dreaming irritated me - the only bit that did in the first section - but that's because I have a pathological aversion to hearing about other people's dreams!
DeleteAw, nobody complimented Pastey. Good boy, Pastey. There you go.
ReplyDeleteShame! They probably just thought he was a Real Dog.
DeleteThis blog is a marvelous place to come for valuable info! Will you be mind if I reblog some of your posts on my personal site?
ReplyDeleteNo one seems to have mentioned that the Cambridge section of the novel is in fact the depiction of a lesbian romance. Jennifer may be cruel in parts but she is a deeply troubled character. Her sexuality continually dogs her until it destroys the relationship she has with Judith. After re-reading this novel it has become clear to me that this love story is actually the only REAL one in the whole novel. The Fyfe family represent traditional English beliefs and ideals, and Judith does not fit in with these. She is a human character who has faults and desires. The only time we feel close to Judith's true nature is when she is with Jennifer.