Sunday 1 April 2012

Song for a Sunday

I feel I should do an April's Fool... but I can't think of anything.  So let's have a Song for a Sunday as normal, eh?

Sometimes you can't do better than a bit of Barbra and Judy, can you?


  1. I love this so much. No matter how many times I hear it, I'm always so impressed by both Barbra and Judy.

    1. I am very impressed by how generous a duet it is - neither of them are trying to outshine the other, and it's lovely!

  2. Wow. Judy looks so old, and Barb looks so young! Two amazing voices, though. Could listen to them for hours.

    1. Doesn't Judy look frail in this?
      But what a duet!

  3. Normally I like listening to your Sunday Songs, but I'll pass on this one! Hope all going well with your thesis - I was puzzled by what you said recently about "justifying my thesis". Is that for annual progression, or that something that is common in your field but not in mine? Just interested as an academic! Peter

    1. A thesis on Calvinism would surely be justified by faith alone?

    2. Yes, Peter, we have to do a 'transfer of status' at the end of the first year, and a 'confirmation of status' sometime in the third year. So basically I have to write about what my thesis will contribute to the field, etc., as well as chapter outlines and a projected completion date. For the transfer of status I think it was quite important, as there hadn't really been an official way of vetting theses before that. I'm hoping the confirmation of status is rather more token, since it wouldn't be fun to be thrown out now!

  4. I love Judy Garland so much!! I was in awe of her as a child watching The Wizard of Oz. Her voice is perfection. What a lovely choice for Song for a Sunday :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  5. Liked this so much I got side tracked into watching the other one next to it with Judy, Barbra and Ethel Merman, There's No Business like Show Business. Those times seemed so simple although when we read books at that time we know they weren't. Nice to have a bit of simplicity for a Sunday. Pam

    1. Oh you can spend hours going from video to video on Youtube, can't you!

  6. What's unique about these two (unlike many, not all, contemporary pop singers) is that the voices themselves are interesting. It's not just singing loud; it's dwelling on the texture of the voice.


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