Sunday 4 March 2012

A Week of Lives (Series 2)

Lots of us are probably currently enjoying BBC2's My Life in Books - I find it incredibly refreshing to have intelligent discussion of books on television, even if Anne Robinson wouldn't have been my first choice of host.

I mentioned a little while ago that I'd be hosting a second series of the bloggers' version of My Life in Books - and it will be starting tomorrow!  (I'm taking a bit of a risk here, as I'm still waiting to hear from some people... but I have full faith that they'll get their replies to me before their slot comes up... please!)

So this is the last you'll be hearing from me for a week and a bit.  This time around we have 16 participants, in pairs, running from tomorrow until the following Monday.  I've asked questions which cover books loved in childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, and today - as well as a guilty pleasure or surprise.  The resulting lists probably wouldn't be each blogger's top five favourite reads, but they certainly reveal a lot about their cumulative reading lives.

Oh, and I emailed everyone their mystery partner's choice of books, and asked them to answer a tricky question: what do these books say about their reader?  Always the most fun part, in my opinion.

Thanks to everyone who has agreed to play along - I think it's going to be a really fun week.  Please do comment about the books you've read or want to read, and if you're one of the bloggers for that day, please do feel free to answer away in the comment box.

Lovely!  Have fun...!


  1. Can't wait to see who you have lined up for us and what books they choose.

  2. Hooray! I was thinking the other day how much more interesting the programme would be with non-celebrity bookish people :-) I'm looking forward to it.

    1. Lovely! I'm really pleased with the people who've agreed to take part.

  3. I'm not mad about Ann Robinson either but I think she deserves a pat on the back for suggesting a series about books to the BBC when books on the TV have such a low profile and priority. Sport, sport, sport is what the TV is all about these days and it's so nice to have something for us even it is only for a couple of weeks. For that reason I would watch despite AR. LOL. I have to say though that I thoroughly enjoyed the first week, my favourite person being Pam Ayres. I shall watch them all again on iPlayer at some stage.

    1. Oh, I didn't realise she'd suggested the series - I reverse my opinion! Especially now I've seen the episode where she commends battered old books.

    2. Yes, I believe she was at the Hay festival and saw Chris Evans being asked questions by the audience after his talk. Someone asked him about the books that had influenced his life and his replies went down so well that Anne had the sudden idea for a TV series.

  4. This is awesome! I am nosy when it comes to the reading habits of others so this will be fun!

    1. You will have many recommendations by the end of the week!

  5. Looking forward to finding out who your guests are this time around, Simon.

    1. I am so pleased with my line-up - everyone said yes, which was lovely.

  6. What an incredible idea - I have my library card ready!



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