Sunday 19 August 2012

Song for a Sunday

Jewel is pretty well known in the US, I think - indeed, her first (and, to my mind, worst) album is one of the biggest sellers ever there - but she's not made much of a splash in the UK.  I first heard her song 'Hands' in 2004, when my friend Hannah played it to me, and have loved it ever since.  Enjoy!


  1. This is my song of the moment:

    Meaghan Blanchard is a Canadian singer/songwriter with such a gorgeous voice. I have the CD, but there's clearly no accompanying video, just this live performance. I'm at the stage of playing this obsessively!

    1. Thanks Victoria - I will look it up when I get home!

  2. This takes me back! Jewel was huge in Australia in the 1990s. I didn't know she was still around.

    1. Yes! Not the same level of success, but she's pretty consistent with albums every couple of years...

  3. I actually liked her first album a lot with one BIG caveat, I can't listen to the words. The lyrics are laughably bad. But I like the music and it reminds me of when I lived in Honolulu, so it is a bit of a nostalgia trip for me.

    1. I find it all a bit too meandery for my liking... but I love some of her later albums. And posting this has made me listen to her two latest albums on Spotify all yesterday...


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