Sunday, 6 March 2011

3 Quarks Daily - Vote!

I meant to tell you about nominations for the Best Arts and Literature Blog Post thingummy over at 3 Quarks Daily, but kept forgetting... and now the deadline has passed for nominations. Sorry! But do head over and vote, please!

Click here to vote. I nominated Rachel (Book Snob) for her post on Gilead, and then threw my own review of Gilead into the hat - so a vote for either of those would be very welcome!

There is a monetary prize of no little significance... once someone official gets to see the shortlist. So it would be wonderful if me and Rachel could make the shortlist :D


  1. Good Luck Simon, I hope you are successful!

  2. Voted for you...All the best!

  3. "ME and Rachel"??????????!!!!!!!!

  4. Thanks guys - and thank you Anonymous, you are so right! I will go and hang my head in shame - and leave my error there as a warning to others...

  5. Simon how adorable are you? I only just saw this! Thank you for nominating me!!


I've now moved to, and all my old posts are over there too - do come and say hello :)

I probably won't see your comment here, I'm afraid, but all my archive posts can also be found at