And Elizabeth Myers' A Well Full Of Leaves doesn't make the '50 Books You Must Read But May Not Have Heard About' because any life could be lived quite contentedly without reading a page of this novel. Shame. Myers' letters were my favourite read last year, but my chief impression of this novel, published in 1942, is that it could have done with some heavy editing. Almost everything that anyone says is accompanied by an exclamation mark, however mundane, and the whole novel is
The narrator is quite like Fanny in Mitford's novel, inasmuch as she alone is left unaffected by a whirlwind of melodrama - in A Well Full Of Leaves, the effects of a loveless mother are seen on a family of working class children. Before her time, perhaps, since Waterstones now seems to sell little other than 'Tragic Life Stories'. I can see why people write these things, cathartic and so forth (though Myers makes no pretence that hers is based on fact), but why on earth do people want to read them?