Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Shiny New Virginia Woolf
I think there are a whole bunch of things from Shiny New Books Issue 4 that I haven't mentioned yet - and Issue 5 is less than a month away! So, for Virginia Woolf fans, here are some links to explore (since I wrote THREE posts about Woolf for that issue, folks):
1.) Essays on the Self
A lovely edition, from Notting Hill Editions, with a selection of some of Woolf's best essays (and... some others too.)
2.) A Room of One's Own
You probably don't need me to tell you what a ground-breaking, phenomenal, and brilliant book this is - but, in case you do, click through.
3.) Five Fascinating Facts about Virginia Woolf
I love a Five Fascinating Facts post, and had fun putting this one together about Ginny.
I love the sound of those essays. I am trying to get into Virginia Woolf properly having put myself off her when I was a lot younger. I read To the Lighthouse years ago and I am ready to re-read it having read Orlando recently. However I suspect V W's non-fiction writing might suit me even better.